Rev. Matthew Crebbin
Senior Pastor, Newtown Congregational Church, When Trauma Strikes Your Ministry Setting

Rev. Dr. Kate Wiebe
Executive Director, Institute for Collective Trauma and Growth, Personal & Professional Care Practices
Free Resources
Included with Series Purchase
Discussion Guide which includes Expert Reflections from:
Rev. Jessica Bratt Carle
Chaplain, Spectrum Health and Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital, Exploring Personal, Community and Theological Resources, and their Differences
Rev. Dr. Stephanie Crumpton
Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, McCormick Theological Seminary, Pastoring in a Community That Faces Continual Trauma
Rev. Marvel Hitson
Director of Congregational Health & Trauma Chaplain, Institute for Collective Trauma and Growth, Phases of Disaster Response
Michael Shochet
Senior Cantor, Temple Rodef Shalom, The Story of the Tragedy
Rev. Dr. Kimberly R. Wagner
Assistant Professor of Homiletics, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, From the Chaos: Preaching in the Wake of Mass Violence
Rev. Dr. Bruce Wismer
Co-Pastor, Pine Shores Presbyterian Church, Moving Forward
Also included:
- Discussion Prompts for Each Episode
- Other Recommended Resources
Social Press Kit
For Immediate Support
If you, as a leader of your congregation, are experiencing a personal emergency or mental health crisis, call 911, the disaster distress helpline (800-985-5990), or the national suicide prevention lifeline (800-273-8255) for immediate assistance. If you are experiencing vocational distress, contact representatives at ictg.org, by emailing office@ictg.org, or by calling 805-364-4496, to receive personal care or coaching.