Election Extremism 2:
Hope & Healing in the Aftermath

In “Part Two” of our two-part series we spoke with faith leaders and change-makers about how we listen, learn and move forward in the face of deep national divisions. If dualistic “us-vs-them” thinking is a part of American democracy, we discussed how wisdom traditions and religious practices help expand our imaginations beyond binaries. On November 19, 2020 the Rev. Dr. Katie Givens Kime, Director of Religion and Civic Engagement at Odyssey Impact led a panel including special guest panelists from The On Being Project and Religion News Service who shared their candid experiences, diverse perspectives and insights on how to move toward courage, honesty, and hope.
Resources to help lead congregations, communities and classroom discussions on healing and convening healthy dialogue amidst severe political polarization.
To help you in your work, please review the video excerpts of the intimate conversation, curated by Rev. Dr. Jill Snodgrass, Loyola University, along with brief expert reflections, discussion questions and suggested additional resources.
Traffic in Honesty
Curated Video Clip #1
Duration [8:37-10:07]
Complexifying the Divide
Curated Video Clip #2
Duration [11:17-12:01 + 19:25-22:31]
Opening Up to the Transcendent
Curated Video Clip #3
Duration [31:30-32:54]
How to Be Alone
Curated Video Clip #4
Duration [31:30-32:54]
Expert Reflection and Discussion Guide
We hope that the accompanying written resources will support you in your work while leading your congregations and in educational settings during this time. We have heard from our wider network that these “bite-sized” resources are ideal for clergy cohort groups, deacon/congregational care teams, seminary education modules, and general faith leader edification and support.
Rev. Dr. Jill Snodgrass
For these curated video clips and written resources, we are grateful to Rev. Dr. Jill Snodgrass of Loyola University, a pastoral counselor and ordained minister in the United Church of Christ.
Panel Moderator:
Rev. Dr. Katie Givens Kime
Director of Religion and Civic Engagement
Odyssey Impact
Lucas Johnson
Executive Director, Civil Conversations and Social Healing
The On Being Project
Minneapolis, MN
Rev. Jacqueline J. Lewis, Ph.D
Senior Minister for Public Theology and Transformation
Middle Collegiate Church
New York, NY
Roxanne Stone
Managing Editor
Religion News Service
New York, NY
Pádraig Ó Tuama
Poet/Theologian and Host of Poetry Unbound
The On Being Project
Co. Fermanagh, Ireland
Special thanks to our Co-Presenting Partners on this Live Town Hall:
The information contained on this website is drawn from a variety of sources about mental illness; however it is not a comprehensive study and the information is not intended to be used as a diagnostic tool. While through this website you are able to link to other websites, each website is independently operated and is responsible for the information contained on their site. We encourage anyone who thinks they may have a mental illness problem to seek out a qualified professional.