Healing The Healers Brain Trust

Odyssey Impact hosted a brain trust for the Healing the Healers project at Middle Collegiate Church. The team gathered an intimate group of faith leaders and experts in higher education, chaplaincy, denominations, and field subject matter experts who provided feedback that helped shape and guide the Healing the Healers series and resource. Odyssey Impact CEO Nick Stuart and brain trust host Rev. Bertram Johnson, Minister of Care and Spiritual Development at Middle Collegiate Church provided welcome remarks to the group and Rev. Matthew Crebbin provided special remarks. The brain trust was co-facilitated by Rev. Dr. Kate Wiebe, Executive Director of the Insitute for Collective Trauma and Growth and Kirsten Kelly Senior Producer and Director of the video series and resource. The participants gave valuable insight and many expressed their desire to incorporate the video series and resource into their work and connect offline with each other following the meeting.

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