Dr. Ron Clark

Ron Clark is the Executive Director for Kairos Church Planting Support. He is an adjunct instructor for Portland Seminary and George Fox University and is co-chair of the Pacific Northwest Society of Biblical Literature’s “World of Early Christianity and New Testament Scriptures” section. He has authored books and articles concerning Intimate Partner Violence and Theology, Biblical studies, cultural masculinity, and Marriage and Family Ministry. He has taught throughout the US as well as Albania, Mexico, Colombia, Malawi, and remote areas of India for ministers and congregational leaders. In 2018 he received the Midori Hamilton Award for IPV work in the community from Oregon’s Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence. He has also served two appointments on the Oregon Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force.

Ron has an MDiv and D.Min from Harding School of Theology in Memphis, TN. He and his wife Lori planted Agape Church of Christ in downtown Portland in 2007 and led ministries with various state, county, and local government agencies addressing houselessness, prostitution, abuse, trafficking, and developing healthy marriages. They have partnered with local agencies to develope new homeless villages throughout the Portland Metro area as well as Biblical narrative support groups for women leaving abuse and those who have left sex trafficking. Ron and Lori have been married since 1987 and have three sons.

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